My Current Supplement Routine
Finally getting around to sharing my morning and evening supplement routine, it has been on my list! Although it does change, this has been my most consistent the last few months and one that I have seen a difference with! While I’m no doctor the truth is, that supplements can benefit everyone. So with that said, I hope the supplements that I take interest you and potentially benefit you! It’s nearly impossible for most people to get all of their daily requirements of vitamins and minerals solely through food these days, so we must supplement our daily routines with those vitamins needed for our bodies to optimally function for our individual health needs.
AM Routine ( I always start with my happy pills, iykyk)
40% off first purchase with code!
20% off MROKYLIE
I just started taking this, I will report back on IG stories. Make sure to follow along. :)
40% off first order with code!
20% off MROKYLIE