a letter to 2021

Dear 2021,

Can you believe that in just a short couple of days we will be saying goodbye to you? I feel like we blinked, and you have come and gone in the matter of minutes.

You started the year with the word, acceptance. You felt that you could work on self-improvement with loving your body a little better. Actually, a lot better. You went out of your way to not make a NY resolution that you were NOT going to go to the gym more, lose 10 pounds or only eat chicken and veggies. This year you made a resolution that you were going to go to the gym when your body asked to move, you wanted to + to help your mental health. You were not going to look in the mirror in disgust and tell yourself the pair of jeans would look better if your thighs were just a little thinner.

The word acceptance went a lot further than just your body image. You had acceptance that you cannot change people, or their perspective of you. You had some people in your path that purely just did not want to see you win. And you learned that it is ok. You overcame the yearning to want to be accepted by those around you, especially the ones who were rooting against you. For once in your life, you truly felt connected + so, so loved and accepted by the One who created you. You finally truly understood that you are perfectly and wonderfully made, whether others saw that or not

There was a lot you were wrong about. A lot you did not fully understand, but what mattered was your willingness to learn. You worked to develop an open mind. You found out that once you stop worrying what others think of you, you got to dance + sing louder, laugh a little deeper + continue to walk the path that was created for you - with your head up a little higher.

In April, God called on you to shift. He knew you were ready and capable of carrying something greater. He had all the stars lined up for you to finally close the chapter on a job that He no longer needed you in. He actually had it pressed on your heart for over a year that it was time to leave, but you were really good at reminding Him everything that could go wrong, as if He didn't already have it all taken care of. You stayed because it was your comfort zone, you stayed because you could not bear going back to that helpless feeling of the unknown that you experienced so many times in life. All those dark times He was there with you through.

On April 10th - you had the awkward + hurtful phone call with your boss. You thought you were doing the right thing giving ample amount of time for your notice, but she let you know you were no longer on the schedule. In the matter of 5 minutes, your time of 5 years were done.

Looking back now, you now know that God had it end that way on purpose. You now know that if it hadn't ended like that, you would have still been picking up classes when people needed the help because you can't stand not thinking of other people's needs first. Isn't it funny looking back how at all the intuitions, the conversations + opportunities to start your new chapter? Yet you tried so hard to hold on to not flipping that page over because it was all that you knew for 5 years. The start of those 5 years pushed you out of your comfort zone, then coaching off those templates became your comfort zone. God was ready to use you in His next purpose + you knew it, you just didn't quite trust it. Per usual, He took care of every single detail. Details you didn't need to have perfectly lined out.

In your year, 2021, we had some big break throughs. As a mother, as a wife, as a friend, an entrepreneur + a woman of faith. God sent an invitation to upgrade and expand in a bigger way. Future me said, "let's try this" and little me said, "who do you think you are?".

We learned that there is "spirit of fear" and "spirit of faith". Future us is how He equips us to align with the Holy Spirit, to move forward with the faith-activated thinking. We learned purpose is a process. It's a by-product of an intimate, on-going conversation with God about what God wants, and has waiting for you. We can't force Him to talk, but we commit to connecting with His heart, ending with every single thing we need.

In 2021, there was a line we had kept ourselves behind. Looking at new opportunities, there were already influencers out there with millions of more followers than us, people already sharing fashion, WAY more qualified + prettier faces.

Softly, we learned that the line that we were standing behind was actually imaginary, but we were making it permanent. We always had the excuses of being unqualified. So, it was not and is not easier for us to believe bigger. However, it was incredibly refreshing to hear the truth for the first time.

All gifts are spiritually significant.

Let that simmer. We know we are going to feel out of place as God takes us out of the ordinary.

In 2022, we are not going to shrink. We are going to show up as our full creative selves, operating in our gifts, and using all the supernatural keys and superpowers we've been given.

You are here to be seen.

You've always been selected by God.

Your presence is significant.

2021, thank you teaching me acceptance.

2022 - we are emphasizing "understanding". Understand means to "stand under". This new year is the year of calling to believe bigger, live bolder + requiring you to stand under your purpose. This year, we are letting purpose cover us, guide us, and fill us.




