Ah, summer. Arguably one of the best seasons of the year. A season of adventures, sunshine + truly embracing what the world has to offer. I’d say one of the only downfalls of the warmer season is women who struggle with the pressure of having to look a certain way during the warmer months. Since we all tend to show a little more skin when the temperature is warmer, staying body positive can be one of the biggest hurdles. Last week I shared a quote that was a crucial part of my journey in the healing department of my self-love journey -

“Your body was designed as an instrument to be used, not an ornament to be admired.”

Yeah. Let that one sink in for a second. For anyone that is dreading wearing shorts this summer or for those of you looking for swimsuit cover ups for those pool/lake days, this one is for you! Here are a few easy ways to embrace being kind to your body and mental health this summer:

Accept your body as it is now.

Wanna know a fun fact? Over the course of the pandemic, 35.8% people have reported weight gain globally. Yeah, I said globally. Not only were we all cooped up inside, which naturally will cause some weight fluctuation/gain but, it’s also 100% apart of life!!

Our bodies were not designed to stay the same over the course. We grow, get smaller, get bigger, create a human, start a new job, go to school, experience depression or a thousand other situations that life throws at us! So, do yourself a favor and give your body a break. I cannot stress enough how important it is to accept your body as it is now rather than what it looked like 3 years ago or what size the girl is that you follow on IG. As we get into the final weeks of May and are approaching June, practice positive self-talk when getting ready. I know it’s cheesy, but affirmations were/are a huge part of my journey. Some examples of affirmations are:

  • I am more than my size and weight.

  • I choose self-love over self-criticism.

  • My body is sexy exactly the way it is.

  • I am my own unique person.

I love getting on Pinterest and finding affirmations that I need to hear and just practice them over and over and over. When I’m having a day or find myself being critical in the mirror, I start reading my affirmations.

Tip: If you’re following someone who makes you feel jealous or insecure about your body, do yourself a favor and unfollow. Absolutely no shade at her, but it’s so important to protect your mental health - even when scrolling. Have your social feed be with gals that are similar to your body type, not posting the 3 almonds they licked that morning for breakfast. Not only does social media have the ability to take its toll on your mind, but it can also especially impact your body image. One 2019 study found that 87% of women and 65% of men compare their bodies to the images they see on social media. If you know you fall into one of these percentages, also know that you’re not alone. An all too easy way to avoid making these comparisons this summer is to get rid of your social media. However, if you know you can’t do this, come up with a plan to hide certain accounts from your feed if you know they’re a trigger for you. Doing so will allow you to stop the cycle of comparison and hopefully begin loving more of who you are during the summer of 2022 and beyond.

Wear clothes that you love.

Before I go over my process, that this was again I want to readdress this is my own personal journey. Others may look different and have different post-op processes!

Staying body positive throughout the summer means wearing clothes that make you feel confident without sacrificing your comfort level. While the temptation to pounce on summer clothing trends is definitely real, don’t force yourself to fit a certain mold with your style if it’s not representative of who you are. Instead, build your own unique summer wardrobe with pieces that compliment your figure and can be worn again and again, as opposed to only on specific occasions. Summer staples that are both versatile and comfortable for all body types include breathable underwear, linen shorts, and flowy maxi dresses.

Relaxed linen shorts offer enough airflow to prevent unwanted sweat marks or bunching when you sit down for that much anticipated outdoor date. And, the same goes for classic maxi dresses. Maxi dresses fit every woman of all shapes and sizes and can be found in many different styles allowing you to put your own personal touch on your look. 

Don’t be mistaken. By no means do you have to add the items listed above into your summer wardrobe, but hopefully, these types of clothing can give you some inspiration on where to start! 

Tip: Go through your summer clothes and donate the pieces that do not fit anymore. Do yourself and favor and STOP holding on to the jean shorts that are 2 sizes too small. Stop promising yourself that this is the summer that you will lose the weight to fit in the shorts. You are meant to wear your clothes; your clothes are not meant to wear you. Getting rid of the clothes that you can’t fit into anymore will make getting dressed guilt free and way more fun!

Do things that boost your confidence.

Many easy practices and activities have been proven to boost confidence to try this summer to help you with your body image. The unfortunate truth, however, is that confidence will not sprout overnight. Gaining confidence and staying body positive this summer will sometimes require you to put in a little extra work, but we promise it’ll be worth it in the long run. To get you started on the right track, consider trying the following throughout the year:

  • Exercise: You had to know this was coming, right? Exercise for the sake of feeling good as opposed to losing weight can truly serve to help you support and regain your self-confidence. Going for a morning walk, a short jog on the beach, or even paddle boating with a friend are all summer activities that will allow you to get your exercise in and boost your confidence.

  • Meditate: Meditating is an amazing practice for anyone who wants to form a deeper connection with themselves while also achieving a healthy mind and body. You don’t have to dedicate too much time to perform this practice either. Just ten minutes a day can work to reset and rejuvenate yourself when you’re feeling down about your self-image.

  • Set goals: Setting small goals for yourself to check off a list has improved confidence and fulfillment. The feeling you get when you’ve accomplished something and can move onto a new task is unmatched, so get to goal setting this summer! This can range anywhere from creating a reading list for yourself to a personal chore chart. Just make sure the goals are attainable.

Staying body positive this summer is a process that will involve a lot of ups and downs. Don’t stop working towards self-love just because you have a bad day, because you will have a bad day. Be kind to yourself. Accept your body as it is now, wear clothes you love, practice confidence-boosting activities, and get rid of toxic social media. Any and all of these steps are sure to help you have the summer season you deserve, gf!


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